Owner of coat-wearing monkey found outside Canada store says she wants him back

A small monkey wearing a winter coat and a diaper wanders around at an IKEA in Toronto Sunday.
A small monkey wearing a winter coat and a diaper wanders around at an IKEA in Toronto Sunday.

TORONTO — The owner of a monkey caught wandering outside an Ikea store in Toronto says the tiny primate rarely left her side until he was confiscated by authorities — and she wants him back.

Yasmin Nakhuda said Tuesday she initially tried to return the monkey she named Darwin to the breeder who supplied him, but she changed her mind after hearing his cries. She says Darwin stayed near her at all times, including while she slept.

The monkey let itself out of a parked car Sunday and ambled around the store's parking lot dressed in a fitted shearling coat.

He was captured by animal control officers and moved to a primate sanctuary.

Nakhuda was fined $240 for breaking a prohibited-animal bylaw. She says she is considering legal steps to regain custody.