Business calendar


  • "Building for Success'' will be the topic at the Technical Society of Toledo meeting at 11:45 a.m. Friday at the Toledo Club, Madison Avenue and 14th Street. Speakers: Dan Burns and Joe Podach, Toledo Public Schools. Cost: $20. Reservations: 419-530-3436.

  • "The East Side'' will be the topic at the American Institute of Architects, Toledo Chapter, at 6 p.m. Feb. 8 at the Weber Block Building, Front and Main Streets. Speaker: Don Monroe, River East Economic Revitalization Corp. Cost: free to AIA members and $20 for guests. Reservations by Wed.: 419-266-2733.

  • "Fair Credit Reporting and Other Privacy Issues'' will be the topic at the Insurance Women of Toledo meeting at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 9 at the Toledo Club, Madison Avenue and 14th Street. Speaker: Dennis Shively, Hondros College, Cost: $30. Reservations by Thursday: Carol Reid, 720-7967.

    Notice of business meetings must be received by The Blade 10 days before the event. Send items to Becky Baker, The Blade, P.O. Box 921, Toledo, OH 43697-0921, and write "Business Calendar" on the envelope.