Business calendar


Getting Started in business seminars continue this week with the Women s Entrepreneurial Network Training Center at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, downtown Toledo. This week s session is on Writing a Business Plan; next week it is Marketing Your Business, and May 28 it is Financing and Recordkeeping for your Business. Cost: $15 each. Advance registration required, 419-536-6732.

The Toledo Area Small Business Association luncheon is at noon May 21 at the Toledo Club, downtown Toledo. Speaker: Richard Chiricosta, president and CEO of Medical Mutual of Ohio. Cost: $25 Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce members, $30 nonmembers. Registration by May 19, 419-843-8191 or

Notice of business meetings must be received by The Blade 10 days before the event. Send items by e-mail to or by fax to 419-724-6147. Write Business Calendar in the message field.