Dock project gets U.S. funds

$3.1M part of development's $15.4M grant package


The U.S. Department of Commerce yesterday announced the release of a $3.1 million grant to support the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority's on-going development of the Ironville Dock in East Toledo.

The Economic Development Administration grant funding was expected and part of the project's $15.4 million total state and federal grant package, but its release had been on hold pending discussions concerning mortgages the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency holds on the property related to the port authority's past environmental cleanup of the site, said Matt Sapara, the port authority's director of operations. The site is part of the former Gulf Oil refinery in East Toledo.

Listed along with the port authority as grant co-recipients are Lucas County and the Lucas County Improvement Corp.

Grant funding will go toward dredging of vessel docking space, road and dock construction, and utility installation on the 186-acre site, a Commerce department news release said. Port officials had said during a railroad spike hammering ceremony last month that release of the EDA grant was needed before certain construction could start at Ironville.

The new dock is intended to handle primarily bulk materials and will have storage silos, an outdoor lay-down facility, and a 100-car railroad loop for transferring cargo to and from trains.