Sandusky plant fined for safety violations


SANDUSKY — An automotive parts supplier that makes hub bearings, transmission parts, and other products has been fined $65,000 by federal safety inspectors for failing to comply with asbestos safety regulations while removing boiler components from its Sandusky plant.

Kyklos Bearing International was cited for 13 serious violations after complaints in October resulted in an inspection by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

The violations included a failure to establish a regulated area; provide initial exposure assessment and air monitoring; provide supervision by a competent person; use approved methods for removal and handling of asbestos-containing material, and require workers to wear personal protective equipment, such as protective clothing and respirators. No injuries resulted, OSHA officials said.

Kyklos Bearings employs about 850 at its Sandusky plant. It has 15 business days from receipt of its citations to pay the fine, contest the findings, or request a conference with OSHA.