Noise from bar results in Sylvania complaint

Complaints of noise coming from Burger Bar 419 on Monroe Street in Toledo were made recently to the Sylvania Township trustees and police chief.
Complaints of noise coming from Burger Bar 419 on Monroe Street in Toledo were made recently to the Sylvania Township trustees and police chief.

Complaints of noise coming from a Monroe Street bar and restaurant were made recently to the Sylvania Township trustees and police chief.

Dan Mauter said at Tuesday’s township board meeting he called police several times the weekend of July 26 and 27 around 1 a.m. about the noise. “They always assure me when I call that they are going to warn them. But I have not noticed any improvement,” he said.

Mr. Mauter lives on the north end of Merriweather Road, behind Burger Bar 419, and said noise from the restaurant’s patio echoes off the building and pavement into his neighborhood because no trees are there to act as buffers.

Police Chief Robert Boehme said officers are stationed at the bar Friday and Saturday nights to watch out for fights and ensure the college-aged clientele follows the law.

“Keeping the peace is a priority,” he said, adding that police may have spoken to the owners every time but other incidents may have taken priority. He said the owners have been responsive to other concerns and he would speak to them about Mr. Mauter’s.