Tow service offered to tipsy motorists


AAA Northwest Ohio will offer a Tipsy Tow service this St. Patrick’s Day weekend for motorists who have had too much to drink.

The Tipsy Tow service, available to AAA members and nonmembers, will run from 6 p.m. today through 6 a.m. Tuesday.

Drivers must call 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-800-222-4357), state that they need a Tipsy Tow, and provide their name, home address, phone number, and vehicle location.

AAA will provide a one-way ride for the driver and the vehicle at no cost for up to 10 miles. The motorist will be taken only to his or her home or to a hotel where the motorist is a guest.

For trips longer than 10 miles, motorists will be charged the towing company’s standard rate.