The Blade launches new website


The Blade launched today a redesign to

It looks much different than the former site, but is designed to be more friendly to our users.

More than half of our website traffic accesses from a mobile device. Previously, The Blade had to maintain different sites to support mobile and larger screens. With the new site, if a user visits the site from a mobile device, tablet, or computer, the site responds to optimize the experience for that screen size.

“We also give users more control over what content they see on the new site,” said John Crisp, vice president of new media for The Blade. “In the right navigation menu, users can select custom filters to control what content they see. This will give users direct access to specific content they want, and be more efficient.”

The new site provides “a more engaging experience” than the current website.

Also, to make sure users don’t miss trending stories on the Internet, the story lists that each reader sees will change. The more a story is read, commented on, shared on social media, the higher it will appear on users’ screens.

The new website has navigation bars in the upper left and upper right spots on the home page.

The Blade will continue to provide top quality local news and feature stories, plus news from around the world.