Severance pact will be offered to village clerk


Two weeks after asking Clerk-Treasurer Karen Teet to resign, the Walbridge village council last night approved entering into a severance agreement with her.

The measure, which was approved 4-0, will allow village solicitor P. Martin Aubry to negotiate the severance agreement.

Councilman Cecil Adkins, who is Mrs. Teet's uncle, was absent. Councilwoman Traci Taylor abstained from voting.

Mrs. Teet was appointed in May to the elected position, a part-time job that pays $9,000 a year. She was not present at last night's meeting.

Council voted unanimously Oct. 18 to send a letter to Mrs. Teet, asking her to resign.

The action was taken after Councilwoman Joann Schiavone reported bookkeeping errors had resulted in inaccurate bank statements.

Mrs. Schivavone said payments were sent late to the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System in June and July, resulting in an interest penalty.

After learning last night that Mrs. Teet had not resigned, Mrs. Taylor made a motion to have Mrs. Teet removed from office for malfeasance.

Mr. Aubry interrupted a vote on the motion and recommended that council discuss the matter at the end of the regular meeting in executive session.

Council met behind closed doors for about 45 minutes. When the meeting was reopened, Mrs. Taylor withdrew her motion.

She said that she, as a member of village council, could not have her removed.

She said state law requires that five registered voters file a petition with the Wood County Probate Court to have an elected official removed for malfeasance.

After the meeting, Mrs. Taylor said she abstained because “I want to get rid of her. But I don't want to give her severance.”

The village last month paid $21,000 to former police Chief Timothy Villa in a severance agreement.