Ford not 1 of final 4 for PUCO seat


COLUMBUS - A nominating council has forwarded the names of four finalists to Governor Taft for appointment to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.

The list includes two House Democrats - state Reps. Dan Metelsky of Lorain and Joseph Sulzer of Chillicothe - but not House Minority Leader Jack Ford of Toledo.

The others are Clarence Rogers, executive deputy general manager of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, and Alfred Agler, director of the PUCO's transportation department. Mr. Ford withdrew before the nine candidates were interviewed by the PUCO nominating council, Beth Gianforcaro, an agency spokeswoman, said. Mr. Ford did so after House Democrats re-elected him as leader of their 40-member caucus.

Independent Craig Glazer's resignation created the vacancy. Since the maximum number of seats reserved for the GOP is filled, the appointee must be a Democrat or Independent.