Electric plant session draws no objections


FREMONT - No area residents voiced opposition yesterday at a Sandusky County commissioners' meeting about a proposal to build a $350 million electric energy plant in town.

The Calpine Corp. has announced plans to build the Fremont Energy Center on an 80-acre site west of Fremont. The city has not yet approved the annexation, indicating only that it intends to provide sewer and water services to the site if the company's plan is approved.

During yesterday's hearing, county commissioners asked the county prosecutor to review the related annexation requests that would allow the company to build in the area.

Commissioners have 90 days to decide on the annexation, but they said yesterday they will likely make a decision in the next week or two.

Robert Hart, the city's law director, said Fremont officials plan to consider annexing the land only when the project is approved by the Ohio Power Sitting Board. That agency has scheduled a public hearing on March 27 at Terra Community College in Fremont.

Some residents in the area have protested the building of the plant, citing concerns about air pollution and property devaluation.

The California-based company said it hopes to begin construction by June.