Audit of Attica finances find no significant fraud


ATTICA, Ohio - A special state audit of Attica's books has found no significant fraud in the three years before Linda Stoldt was removed as clerk-treasurer in November, 1999.

The report, issued by state Auditor Jim Petro, said Ms. Stoldt should repay $686 for allegedly using village checks to pay for personal cellular phone calls.

Ms. Stoldt was removed by Judge Steve Shuff of Seneca County Common Pleas Court for refusing to keep financial records for the village. The audit, ordered after her ouster, found Attica over|paid $4,197 to several area vendors and was charged $908 for late submissions of payroll taxes and retirement system contributions.

Attica recovered the vendor overpayments but was at risk for major fraud because of weak accounting controls and a lack of records, the audit found. The village has since installed a computerized accounting system and is producing monthly financial reports.