Lawmen warn drivers about unmarked car


BOWLING GREEN - Wood County sheriff's officials are letting the public know they do not have to stop for an unmarked car after a Cygnet woman was pulled over by someone apparently impersonating a state trooper.

The woman reported Wednesday that she was stopped about 11:30 p.m. Tuesday on State Rt. 25, just south of Portage, by a man who had a flashing light in the windshield of his unmarked car. He was not in uniform but demanded to see her driver's license.

She locked her door and asked to see his badge. He flashed something at her. But when she insisted on getting a better look, he became angry and threatened to arrest her. She drove away, and the man followed her for a while before driving off.

Sgt. Maj. Mike Blair said the woman did everything right, and, he said, motorists are not obligated to stop for unmarked cars. “If a law enforcement officer in an unmarked car really wants you stopped, they will follow you and wait for a marked unit,” Sergeant Blair said.