New Riegel considers Fostoria sewer tie-in


NEW RIEGEL, Ohio -- Village officials are talking to Fostoria about installing sewer lines that would tie into the city's system.

New Riegel Mayor Ralph Rumschlag met recently with Ralph Wise, Fostoria's safety-service director, and representatives of Peterman and Associates, a Findlay engineering firm, to discuss a new sewer system for the village.

Plans call for sewage to be sent through a forced main along State Rt. 587 to connect with Fostoria's sewage system at Columbus Avenue. Construction could begin by July 1 if the village obtains the needed grant funds.

New Riegel is applying for a State Issue 2 grant and a rural development grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to construct the sewer system, which is expected to cost between $4 million and $4.5 million.

The 500-resident village has been ordered by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to find an alternative to using sewage tanks.