Maumee tables action on Fallen Timbers mall


With several complex issues still unresolved, Maumee city council has delayed making a decision on a permit for the proposed Mall at Fallen Timbers.

Council last night agreed to table indefinitely the municipal planning commission's recommendation to approve the permit. The commission made the recommendation last week, but attached several conditions that must be met before the permit can be issued.

The mall project will be tackled with a new council member on board. Council last night accepted the resignation of Kevin Olman, council president, who recently was charged with domestic violence and aggravated menacing.

They named attorney and former councilman Richard H. Carr to fill the unexpired term.

Mr. Olman did not attend the session, but he submitted a page-long letter yesterday to Mayor Tim Wagener, city council members, and the residents of Maumee.

One of the unresolved issues for the mall project will be addressed during a public hearing at the next council meeting Oct. 15.

Mall developer General Growth Properties, Inc., of Chicago has petitioned the city for the vacation of Russell Road between the proposed Fallen Timbers Lane and Jerome Road. The Ohio Department of Transportation on Friday turned over the deed for Russell Road to the city.

According to General Growth's petition, the vacation of Russell would be beneficial to the “general interests of the public” because it would permit development of the adjoining property in accordance with the site plan. In exchange for the vacation, General Growth will construct additional and improved roadways to serve its mall project as well as current residents and the future growth of the area.

In other action, Christopher Ferrara was named council president to replace Mr. Olman.

In his resignation letter, Mr. Olman stated that he is requesting that his name be removed from the November general election ballot.

Mr. Olman also stated that he accepts responsibility for his actions and he apologized to anyone he might have hurt and disappointed.

“After thoughtful consultation with my wife, my family, and my spiritual leaders I have decided that I cannot continue to effectively serve the city of Maumee. My most important consideration at this time is the healing of myself, and my relationship with my family. This end would be made more difficult as a public official in a public forum,” he stated.

Mr. Olman, 40, was charged with the two misdemeanor counts last month following an alleged altercation with his wife Penny at their home. He has pleaded not guilty, and a pretrial hearing is scheduled for 11 a.m. tomorrow in Maumee Municipal Court.

Mr. Carr, Mr. Olman's replacement on council, is one of five write-in candidates for a seat on council.

Councilman Ferrara is not seeking re-election. Voters will elect four council members in November.