Fremont opens bids on power plant utility work


FREMONT - City officials opened bids yesterday for construction of water and sewer lines to serve the planned Calpine Corp. power plant off Sandusky County Road 138.

Underground Utilities of Monroeville submitted the low general contractor's bid for the project at $1,131,946. The county had estimated that part of the project would cost $1.7 million. The low bidder for electrical work was Brent Electric of Toledo, at $59,400, compared with a city estimate of $90,000.

The first phase of the utility work will involve installation of a 24-inch waterline, extending to the plant site west from Christy Road, where the city's 16-inch water line ends. The first phase also will include installing a 12-inch sewer line and a pump station.

A second phase, to be bid out next year, will upgrade the city's 16-inch water line to a 24-inch line. Calpine has agreed to pay for the utility work. The company plans to break ground at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow for construction of the $355 million electric generating plant.