Salvation Army bell-ringers begin seasonal campaign


The bells are ringing at stores and shopping centers today as the Salvation Army begins its annual kettle campaign to raise money for holiday programs and year-round emergency assistance.

“With workers being laid off and economic uncertainty, the needs are going to be greater this year,” Vic Proffitt, development director of the Salvation Army in Toledo, said.

Shoppers will find kettles throughout northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. The Toledo area campaign will have kettles at 60 locations, nearly 10 more than last year.

The chairman of the campaign in Lucas and Wood counties is Bruce Baumhower, president of UAW Local 12. The goal is to raise $350,000, about $50,000 more than was collected in the 2000 holiday season, Mr. Proffitt said.

Churches, clubs, companies, and schools can adopt a particular kettle for a day by contacting the Salvation Army and supplying a day's worth of bell-ringers, Mr. Proffitt said.