Senior Center operating pact approved


The staff of the Sylvania Community Services Center “is getting ready to take everything we have here at the Burnham Building and plunk it down on Sylvania Avenue,'' the site of the new senior center, according to Claire Proctor, executive director of the services center.

Her remarks were made earlier this week after Sylvania city council approved an operating agreement with her organization to run the facility that is scheduled to open next month.

Ms. Proctor said the manager of the facility will be Nan Buehrer, who has operated the senior center in its existing quarters for about nine years.

No changes will be made in the staff, but that a couple of people may be hired to work at the building next to Tam O'Shanter, in the 7000 block of Sylvania Avenue.

Ms. Buehrer said the members of the senior center “are thrilled with the possibilities of the new building.''

She added that because of space restrictions at the Burnham Building, 6850 Monroe St., some senior center programs are held elsewhere, but “can be brought into the center once it opens.''

For instance, she said fitness programs will have a room in the facility rather than operating in area churches as they are now.

The center is operating a walking program at the recently opened addition to Tam O'Shanter.

At its meeting this week, Sylvania's council agreed to share in the cost of some capital equipment that has been ordered for the building, including an alarm system, data processing equipment, and a telephone system.

Sylvania Township trustees will be asked to share in the cost that totals just under $36,000.

Council also approved a request by Brooks Contracting for about $16,000 in construction costs that weren't included in the original construction costs.

Jeff Ballmer, service director for the city said the additional costs were for work such as installing a medicine cabinet and widening a driveway from two lanes to three.

The senior center and the addition to Tam O'Shanter cost a total of $6.3 million.

The city is selling bonds to pay for the Tam O'Shanter addition and the senior center is being financed by the city, the township, and the Area Office on Aging.

The operating agreement must still be approved by township trustees.

Jim Moan, city law director, told council members that representatives of the trustees helped draft the agreement.