Divided Fostoria council changes name of City Park


FOSTORIA - An ordinance presented to rename City Park to Buckeye Park in honor of the state's bicentennial celebration in 2003 was approved at Tuesday's City Council meeting, but just by a vote.

Council members voted 4-3 to approve the resolution that included planting 17 buckeye trees in the park, honoring the state's place in entering the union. Those who voted against the ordinance said they had heard from residents who objected to the idea.

City Councilwoman LaVerne Anderson, who opposed the proposal, also objected to the cost of the new signs. Councilmen Don Myers and Dave Clark also voted against the ordinance.

Mayor John Davoli expressed disappointment that the plan, which had been discussed for several months without opposition, met resistance. He added the name change had the support of several local community organizations.