Council chooses resident to fill Marblehead vacancy


MARBLEHEAD, Ohio - A 10-year village resident was chosen Wednesday to fill a vacancy on Marblehead village council.

Angela Kukay, who works in the physical therapy department at Magruder Hospital in Port Clinton, was elected in a 3-2 vote over Dan Thompson, owner of the Surf Motel, Mayor Joseph Ihnat, Jr., said. Ms. Kukay replaces former councilman Jim Adams, who resigned March 27 because he planned to move out of the village.

During a work session, council members discussed possible ways to boost revenue for the financially strapped village. Mr. Ihnat said one option is a version of the ferry departure fee that voters narrowly rejected in November, 2000.

The mayor said he wants unanimous support from council for any tax proposal before it is submitted to voters, probably in this fall's general election.