Isenberg coffers dwarf opponent's in county election


Sandy Isenberg, president of the Lucas County commissioners, has packed her campaign coffers with donations and is ready for a re-election battle against Republican challenger Dock Treece, campaign finance reports filed yesterday with the county Board of Elections show.

The Democrat's report shows she raised $44,050 in the closing weeks before the May 7 primary election, even though she was unopposed for her party's nomination.

She begins the general election campaign in what should be a prominent local race with $103,702 cash on hand, her report shows.

Mr. Treece reports a campaign balance of $19,095 heading into the campaign - a much larger cash balance than any recent Isenberg opponent has been able to amass.

In fact, Ms. Isenberg ran unopposed in 1998. Four years earlier, her contributions dwarfed the money raised by her opponent, businessman Paul Hoag, which was less than 3 per cent of Ms. Isenberg's total.

Mr. Treece did not report any contributions in the pre or post-primary finance periods, but instead carried over a large amount of money from his unsuccessful campaign last year for Sylvania Township trustee.

Mr. Treece, who finished third of three candidates for two trustee spots, raised almost $31,000, but spent only $9,550 of his campaign account. He subsequently spent about $2,350 left over from the trustee race.

Ms. Isenberg received thousands of dollars in contributions from labor unions, including Ohio AFSCME United, $1,000; Laborers' Local 500 PAC, $500, and IBEW COPE, $500.

Frank Kass, a Columbus developer behind the $191 million Marina District project along the Maumee River in East Toledo, donated $1,000 to her campaign.

Michael Ashford, who won election to his appointed city council seat in a May 7 special election, raised $17,866 and spent $15,919 during his campaign - tops among the five candidates.

His finance report shows he has an outstanding loan - from himself - for $5,100.

Republican Dennis Lange raised $6,326 and spent $5,005 in his unsuccessful effort to defeat Mr. Ashford.

In the race for an open seat on the state 6th District Court of Appeals, Democrat Arlene Singer, who now sits on the Toledo Municipal Court bench, reported $59,786 cash on hand heading into the general election against Republican Robert Pollex, a Wood County Common Pleas Court judge. Mr. Pollex reported $7,525 cash on hand.

In the race for another open seat on the 6th District court, Democrat Charles Wittenberg reported $22,443 cash on hand, while Republican opponent Judith Lanzinger reported $17,703. Ms. Lanzinger and Mr. Wittenberg are Lucas County Common Pleas judges.

In legislative races in Lucas County, Democrat Peter Ujvagi, president of Toledo City Council, leads Republican Allen Roy in the race to raise campaign cash for the open District 47 seat. Mr. Ujvagi had $23,723 to $1,445 for Mr. Roy.

In District 50, incumbent Democrat Jeanine Perry reported $15,848 cash on hand, compared to $52 in the account of Republican opponent Joseph Lipinski. In District 46, Republican incumbent Lynn Olman reported $57,233 in available cash, compared to $2,709 for Democratic challenger Abbey Mortemore.

In District 48, Democratic incumbent Edna Brown reported $15,319. Her opponent, Armiya Muhammed, did not file a report, elections board records show.