Ugly sweater giving you chills?


The hot, humid weather means air conditioners are running at full blast in area offices - and that means folks dressed for the heat are getting out their trusty office sweaters and jackets.

But while some people keep a natty little something at work to ward off the chill, others use less-than-attractive garments. You know the ones we mean - the sweaters or jackets that no longer fit properly, have 1980s-style linebacker shoulder pads, or are such a hideous color nobody can bear to look at them for more than five seconds.

If you recognize a colleague's (or your own) office sweater/jacket in this description, we would like to know about it.

Please call 419-724-6103 or e-mail by July 18, and tell us about the ugly office sweater/jacket in your life. Or mail a letter and photo to Vanessa Winans at The Blade, P.O. Box 921, Toledo, OH 43697-0921. Include your name, daytime phone number, and details of the garment.