Northwood schools to put levy on ballot in November


Northwood Board of Education voted yesterday to place a 4.9-mill operating levy on the November ballot, a measure identical to one voters narrowly defeated a week ago.

In a 5-0 vote, the board asked the Wood County Auditor to certify the amount the levy would generate. The decision is the first of two steps the board must take to ask voters to consider it again.

A second meeting is set for 4 p.m. Tuesday at which the board will act on a proposal directing the board of elections to put the measure on the Nov. 5 ballot. The proposal lost by 13 votes a week ago and 85 votes in May.

Lower enrollment has sharply reduced state funding to the district. That, combined with the millage defeats, led the district to recently enact $280,228 in budget cuts. The 4.9-mill proposal would raise $585,000 a year.