Sylvania council puts hold on feral cat plan


A 15-month study of how best to control feral cats roaming Sylvania areas has been put on hold on the recommendation of a committee headed by City Councilman Read Backus.

Dr. Backus said a plan for controlling roaming felines has been established, but the price tag led the committee to recommend against its implementation at this time.

The cost of a system to respond to complaints about cats running wild would cost the city between $25,000 and $30,000, "and we don't think it's feasible with the economy as it is,'' he said.

The program involves contracts with private agencies to trap the cats and hold them until they are adopted when possible. Another contract would give the cats necessary veterinary services.

If the cats were too wild or diseased, they would be euthanized.

City policy now is for police dispatchers or others taking complaints to inform residents that private trappers should be contacted.