5 stolen golf carts pulled from Findlay reservoir


FINDLAY - Hancock County sheriff's deputies are searching for joyriders who stole five golf carts and sank them in a nearby reservoir.

About 5 a.m. yesterday, a jogger saw five people driving golf carts from Oak Mallett Golf Club on County Road 205 just east of Findlay. The carts were stolen from the golf course pro shop and driven across fields, up and down reservoir dikes, and sunk in the city's Reservoir #1, said Det. Tim Graydon of the sheriff's office.

A dive team used wrecker cables to retrieve the carts yesterday, the detective said. The extent of damage is unknown but estimated to be at least $30,000, since the carts are valued at $6,000 each. Two other golf carts were damaged when the group tried to hot-wire them, Detective Graydon said.

Deputies have no suspects and are seeking the jogger who called in the report to obtain additional information.