Wood bond rating aids 2 firms


BOWLING GREEN - A trade union training facility and a mechanical contracting firm will be able to take advantage of Wood County government's AA bond rating after action Tuesday by the Wood County Community Improvement Corp.

The Toledo Area Sheet Metal Joint Apprenticeship and Training Fund proposed to offer $3.25 million in bonds so it can move its facility from Toledo to Crossroads Parkway and Deimling Road in Rossford, a project that could yield 13 jobs. Resource Asset Management proposed $1.2 million in bonds to expand its business in Northwood and create eight or more jobs.

The community improvement corporation, made up of county officials and citizens, can bestow the county's favorable bond rating on companies and other entities so their industrial revenue bonds get a favorable reception - and more jobs come to the county.

“The county is not lending money or giving money,” said Tom Blaha, executive director of the Wood County Economic Development Commission.