UT consultants to study needs of Sylvania Township


The department of geography and planning of the University of Toledo will take on the first step of a project to study the current and future needs for Sylvania Township facilities.

Trustees have approved a contract for about $15,000 to the university to perform the study, according to Brad Peebles, township administrator.

Mr. Peebles said he has decided to wait before looking for a consultant to evaluate the efficiency and condition of current township buildings.

He said it wouldn't make much sense to learn that a fire station, for instance, should be remodeled, if the university study finds that it actually should be abandoned and placed two miles further west.

The township is growing rapidly, particularly toward the west. Mr. Peebles said he expects to learn from the university study what response times are for safety forces to reach different parts of the township.

It could mean that the township will need a new fire station, that police substations should be more heavily manned, “or a number of things that we don't know now. But it's going to be a wonderful tool for us,” he said.

Jim Schwerkoske, chairman of the trustees, said that he doesn't think the township has ever had a systematic appraisal for determining growth and how to best position assets to accommodate the growing and shifting population.

He added that the study should be of particular importance to the Fire Department. Its westernmost fire station is in the 8100 block of Sylvania Avenue, about a quarter-mile east of Centennial Road.

Much of the township's growth is occurring a mile or more west of that location.

Township officials have also discussed the need to at least upgrade the fire station on West Central Avenue at the exit and entrance ramps to I-475/U.S. 23.

In addition to buildings owned by the township, Mr. Peebles added that the study is expected to include valuable information, which can be used in planning water and sewer lines and roadwork.