Grilled Chicken and Grape Skewers


1/4 ~cup extra virgin olive oil~

2 ~cloves garlic, minced~

1/2 ~teaspoon crushed red chili flakes~

1 ~tablespoon fresh oregano, minced~

1 ~tablespoon fresh rosemary, minced~

1 ~teaspoon lemon zest~

1 ~pound chicken breasts, boneless and skinless~

13/4 ~cups green grapes, picked from stem and rinsed~

1/2 ~teaspoon salt~

2 ~tablespoons extra virgin olive oil~

8 ~12-inch skewers~

1 ~tablespoon fresh lemon juice~

Cook’s note: These can also be made as appetizers on 6-inch skewers.

In small bowl, combine olive oil, chili flakes, garlic, oregano, rosemary, and lemon zest. Whisk together marinade.

Cut chicken into 3/4-inch cubes. Alternate chicken and grapes and thread onto 12-inch skewer. Place skewers into a baking dish or a pan large enough to hold them. Pour marinade over skewers, coating each one. Marinate 4 to 24 hours. Remove skewers from marinade, and let excess oil drip off. Season with salt.

Grill on barbecue grill until chicken is cooked through, about 5 to 8 minutes on each side. Arrange on serving platter and drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice.

Yield: 8 12-inch skewers or 4 entr e servings.