Alcohol ban in parks in draft stage


Perrysburg Township trustees are considering banning alcohol in the township's parks.

The initiative is still in its early stages, but they are working toward drafting a resolution that addresses alcohol and other intoxicating substances in the township's public parks and hope to take action soon, Township Administrator John Hrosko said

Trustees chairman Barbara Gunn said that liability issues caused by the consumption of alcohol on township property make a resolution for a ban on alcohol appropriate.

“We don't want the liability of having people going to the parks and getting drunk, and then leaving the park in a car and causing an accident,” Mrs. Gunn said.

Neither Mrs. Gunn nor Mr. Hrosko knew of any specific complaints about alcohol in the township's parks, but said they are aware drinking does take place in them.

“We have a need to protect township property,” Mr. Hrosko said.

Such a ban would be in line with similar ordinances in several area municipalities. Perrysburg, Bowling Green and Wood County prohibit alcohol consumption in public parks, Mr. Hrosko said.

The township limits alcohol consumption in public buildings. Groups and organizations in the township are required to attain one-day liquor permits to serve alcohol at events such as at an annual party thrown in the township fire station. The permit provides a controlled situation for the consumption of alcohol, Mr. Hrosko said.

But liability for alcohol-related problems in the unregulated township ballparks remains a point of concern for the township trustees.

“On township property, [the trustees] could be left holding the bag,” Mrs. Gunn said.