Long-time Monroe councilman calling it quits


After all, who wouldn't want to go down in the local record books with a batting average that makes the late, great Ted Williams look more like a `Terrible Toothpick' than the Splendid Splinter.

“I went 10-for-10 in city council elections,” the 54-year-old veteran councilman said of his career 1.000 batting average in council elections. “You can't beat that.”

Finishing up the end of two decades representing Monroe's 6th council district, Mr. Worrell said he decided that this year would be his last on Monroe City Council, despite all he's accomplished and all he's been through.

“I'm still one of the younger members of City Council. Most people are actually just getting started at my age. But it's a transition time in life. I've got to evaluate what I want to do in the future,” he said.

Looking back on his legislative career, Mr. Worrell said he is filled with pride, especially when he sees local residents taking advantage of the bike trail along the north side of the River Raisin that he helped champion so many years ago.

“That bike trail has been a tremendous plus,” Mr. Worrell said. “But I'm also proud to see the city looking at things with a long-term perspective now. For instance, we're starting to prepay our health-care benefits for our retirees, which will save the city money in the long run.”