Monroe: Child-care providers win grants


Three providers of child-care services to low-income families in Monroe County have received state grants that provide funds for necessary and supplemental equipment for their facilities.

Sue Sanford, of Suzy's Daycare, was awarded a $958 grant to purchase a new computer and other indoor activities.

Jayme McElvany of Little House of Hugs was awarded $3,497 to pay for infant and outdoor equipment and indoor activities.

MaryLouise Braden was awarded $3,500 for storage, carpeting, indoor activities, and outdoor equipment.

The local grants were among $554,300 awarded to 167 providers and child care centers in 56 counties.

The grant program, called Enhanced Quality Improvement Program, or EQUIP, is funded by the Michigan Family Independence Agency and is aimed at increasing the quality and quantity of child care in communities across Michigan.

The Michigan Community Coordinated Child Care Association administer's the grant programs.