Sylvania: Panel against move by city to annex quarry facility, land


A committee that studied a request by Sylvania to annex property including Centennial Terrace and Quarry has recommended against that move and suggested to the Lucas County Commissioners that the quarry property be turned over to the Sylvania Area Joint Recreational District.

The annexation request from the city included 25 acres on which the city has its parks and forestry division. The city recently filed a separate request to annex only the parks and forestry complex.

Jim Moan, city law director, said that because the county has yet to act on its initial annexation petition, officials decided to make the second, more-limited request.

Centennial Terrace and Quarry is owned by Lucas County and is located in Sylvania Township. It is leased to the city of Sylvania, which in turn has sub-leased it to the recreation district for its operation.

Sylvania Mayor Craig Stough said the city has invested money into the site that features a large outdoor dancing area and swimming in the quarry. As the primary lease holder of the site, city officials have said it should be located within the city limits.

Township officials, however, have said they view the annexation move as an effort to establish a city presence south of Sylvania-Metamora Road and west of Centennial Road. Annexation of property requires that the property sought for annexation abut the city limits.

The township contends that if the quarry is within Sylvania, the city will have an avenue to expand.

The quarry facility, according to Mr. Moan, abuts the city limits at a residential development across Sylvania-Metamora Road to the north.

The 12-member board of the recreational district is made up of appointees from the township, the city, and the school district.

The county's real estate committee has suggested having a discussion about the ownership of the swimming and dancing facility.

Charles Contrada, recreation district chairman, said it makes sense they own it.

He said the issue would have to be considered, but his initial reaction was "I don't see a downside.''

The real-estate panel noted that if a transfer occurs, the deed should require that the land remain public recreation.

Contact Mike Jones at:

or 419-724-6096.