Sylvania Township: Work OK'd on access road near Central


Sylvania Township trustees have signed off on starting construction of an access road parallel to Central Avenue.

The secondary road stretching south of Central from Wilford Drive to McCord Road is meant to reduce traffic on the congested Central.

After a few technical issues are cleared up, Edward Kelly & Sons Inc., of Toledo will begin to construct the access road, said Brad Peebles, township administrator.

A water line has to be designated as appropriate for fire department use, and an easement to use a sewer line also must be granted.

There is a "general agreement" for those items, Mr. Peebles said.

Work should begin by the end of the month.

Although the road runs from Wilford to McCord, it will not have access to either of those streets.

The growing amount of traffic on those streets as well as speeding on Wilford have been concerns of the township in recent years.

Central Park West, which now stops at Central, will be continued south to connect to the access road.A traffic light will be installed at Central as part of the Ohio Department of Transportation's current project there.

The contract for the access road is for nearly $363,000 and specifies that the work must be completed by the end of October.

The road will run behind the businesses that face Central. Motorists will have access to the buildings and the front parking lots from the new road.

One of the primary reasons for planning the project was to close the driveways on Central that give access to the businesses.

Multiple points for entering and exiting busy roadways are often pointed to as a significant factor in traffic delays and accidents.

Contact Mike Jones at

or 419-724-6096