Perrysburg Township: Carnoustie Road repairs almost complete - again


Perrysburg Township has completed most of its second round of repairs on Carnoustie Road after a driver hit a fire hydrant and flooded the road a few weeks ago.

Earlier this summer, the township spent about $25,000 to repave Carnoustie between Bates Road and the dead end near Belmont Country Club. A 75-foot section of the road was damaged when the fire hydrant blew water under the new pavement, Gary Britten, the township's road superintendent, said.

"The hydrant was on the south side of the road. There was so much water underneath the road that it was coming out between the road and the curb on the other side," Mr. Britten said.

The township spent about $10,000 fixing the road over the past two weeks. Mr. Britten said township officials are hoping to get reimbursed for the costs by the driver's insurance company.