Monroe war memorial to celebrate centennial


MONROE - The city of Monroe is holding a centennial celebration for its War of 1812 Kentucky/Battle of River Raisin Monument at 1 p.m. today in Memorial Park at Seventh and South Monroe streets.

The granite monument was built in 1904 to commemorate the deaths of more than 300 soldiers from the Kentucky Volunteer Militia, who died or went missing in action during the River Raisin battle and massacre in January, 1813.

The Kentuckians had joined Gen. James Winchester to reinforce a group of American soldiers who were defending the Frenchtown settlement from the British.

The ceremony will include a presentation of Kentucky's flag by Brig. Gen. Norman Arflack, of the Kentucky Air National Guard, to Monroe Mayor John Iacoangeli and Michigan National Guard Brig. Gen. Jerry Cannon.