Perrysburg Township: Trustees pay fee to port authority


Perrysburg Township trustees agreed this week to pay $7,500 in dues for 2005 to the Rossford/Perrysburg Joint Economic Development/Port Authority.

Recently, the trustees used the board to buy land to improve an intersection near a new housing development. The Perrysburg school district owned the land, but by law is not allowed to sell to a private company, so the board bought the land from the district and sold it to the developer.

The trustees agreed early last month to connect Carronade Drive to State Rt. 199 after West Valley Development extends it through the subdivision.

"It allowed us to do something with that property," Mr. LaHote said.

The Perrysburg Township Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m. Monday on a proposed zoning change for land owned by the Penta Career Center.

The center wants to change the zoning from planned-unit development for residential and mixed use to agricultural, which allows building schools.

The township board of zoning appeals will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday to discuss a strip center on State Rt. 25.

Trustees heard a 2004 summary reports from the fire department this week.

Last year, the fire department responded to 261 fire runs and 1208 EMS runs, and 311 people received CPR training.

It responded to calls for mutual aid 37 times and requested mutual aid 44 times. Life Flight was needed five times, all in the second half of the year.