Middleton Township: Proposed housing heads to trustees


Proposals for three residential subdivisions in Middleton Township are on the way to township trustees.

The township's zoning commission discussed rezoning requests for the developments last week. The commission recommend denying two zoning requests and continued the hearing on one of the projects.

The largest proposed project is for 62 acres on the east side of Hull Prairie Road to the north of Five Point Road. Developers have requested zoning changes from agricultural to a mix of residential.

Developers want to build 147 homes on the site.

Several residents have said the development is too dense, so it would cause an unsafe increase in traffic and lower property values for nearby homes.

Phil Richards, township zoning inspector, said he is concerned about development along Hull Prairie Road because the road is narrow and full of potholes, and more traffic would worsen its condition.

"The biggest concern I feel we have in Middleton Township is roads," he said. "We want to expand. The citizens of the township aren't really against expansion, but they're concerned about safety."

The zoning commission recommended denying the zoning change request, but the trustees will make a final decision on the request in the next few weeks.

Another subdivision has been proposed for 61 acres on the west side of Hull Prairie and the north side of Five Point. The development would include 103 single-family homes and about 12 acres of open space.

The township has been asked to consider changing the zoning on the site from agricultural to a residential planned unit development classification. As a planned unit development, the developers would be required to conform to a specific site plan approved by the township.

Some residents have concerns that this development would be too dense.

"I would rather see larger lots," resident Beth Farley said. "I don't think this development is consistent with the lots on three sides of it."

The zoning commission continued its hearing on the project so it could meet with the developer and try to revise the site plan.

A third subdivision is being proposed for 32 acres west of Forst Road and south of the Maumee River. The developer is requesting a residential zoning change that would allow smaller lot sizes.

The zoning commission recommended denying the requested zoning change because agreements for water and sewer service to the area have not been finalized.