Fired official's post is filled in Fostoria


FOSTORIA - A former Kenton, Ohio, official has been named Fostoria's interim safety-service director while Mayor John Davoli searches for someone to fill the job permanently.

Kathy Healy was sworn in yesterday morning to temporarily replace Ralph Wise, who was dismissed Friday after more than five years as Fostoria's top administrative official.

"The city's in capable hands, and we're doing fine," Mr. Davoli said yesterday.

He added that Ms. Healy would work on an as-needed basis, handling paperwork and other administrative tasks at least for the next month. The city will accept applications for the safety-service director's job through April 15, and the mayor hopes to hire someone by early May.

The mayor said her salary had not been set, but that it would cost the city less to employ her, on a pro-rated basis, than the $53,992 annual salary that was paid to Mr. Wise.

Ms. Healy is a senior consultant with Clemans Nelson & Associates, a Columbus-based firm that handles personnel issues for the city.

Before joining the company, she worked for the city of Kenton in Hardin County for two decades.

From 1985 to 1992, Ms. Healy was Kenton's parks and recreation director, said Cindy Layman, deputy city auditor. In 1992, then-Mayor Clay Flynn promoted Ms. Healy to safety director, and in 2000 she added the title of service director.

She served as safety-service director until December, 2003, when incoming Mayor Gary Ritzler terminated her, according to city records.

Mr. Davoli said her previous experience in city administration makes Ms. Healy an ideal person to fill in during the search for Mr. Wise's permanent replacement.

"She's already going over stuff," he said. "She went right into the files and knew where to look for everything."

Ms. Healy was not available for comment yesterday.

Mr. Wise, who had been safety-service director since Mr. Davoli took office in January, 2000, was placed on administrative leave last week and terminated Friday.

The mayor would not give a specific reason for the decision.

Contact Steve Murphy at:

or 419-724-6078.