Perrysburg Township eliminates solicitor post


The Perrysburg Township trustees yesterday voted to temporarily eliminate the position of solicitor and approved wage increases for three employees.

Trustee Barbara Gunn said the township will try operating without a solicitor and later evaluate whether the position is needed. Phil Dombey had been serving as the township's solicitor at a rate of $125 per hour.

"We want to reduce the township's legal fees," Ms. Gunn said.

Without a solicitor, the township will rely on free legal advice from the Wood County prosecutor's office, officials said. If the township needs extensive legal help on a particular issue, the trustees can hire an attorney.

The trustees also voted to raise the salaries of Township Administrator John Hrosko, Fire Chief Michael Dimick, and Deputy Fire Chief Thomas Brice.

Mr. Hrosko gets a 2.75 percent increase this year, bringing his annual salary to about $64,700. He will get another 2.75 increase next year and a 3 percent increase in 2007.

Chief Dimick's salary rises from $55,000 to $59,000 this year, which is an increase of about 7 percent. Deputy Chief Brice's salary goes up from $51,000 to $57,000 this year, which is an increase of nearly 12 percent.

"They've had a hard year bringing together the fire and emergency medical services departments," Ms. Gunn said. "We feel they've done a good job."

Chief Dimick and Deputy Chief Brice will get salary increases of 2.75 percent next year and 3 percent in 2007. They are now eligible for up to 100 hours of overtime each year.