Maumee won t grant abatement to ProMedica


Maumee City Council denied a tax abatement to ProMedica, which is opening medical offices in Arrowhead Park.

ProMedica is moving into the former Kuhlman Corp. building at 650 Beaver Creek Circle. Kuhlman Corp. recently moved to another Arrowhead Park site.

The city granted a community reinvestment area tax abatement to Kuhlman Corp. in 1996. The abatement waived all taxes on construction for 10 years and was set to expire at the end of 2006.

City administrators recommended transferring the abatement to ProMedica for the remaining two years of the agreement, but City Council members voted 6-0 last week against the abatement transfer. Councilman Thomas Shook abstained because of a conflict of interest.

City Administrator John Jezak said the abatement would have resulted in about $71,000 in tax savings for ProMedica.

Council members said they have denied abatements for professional jobs in the past and want to avoid favoring one medical provider over others in the area.