Street supervisor to be Walbridge administrator


Walbridge Mayor Dan Wilczynski last night appointed a village administrator, with council's approval.

Steve Smith, the village's street supervisor for about seven years, will continue to handle his former duties as well as the new ones. His new duties are to sign contracts and to prepare grant applications. He will be paid $40,000 a year, or about $3,500 more than he was paid as street supervisor.

The village is legally required to have an administrator, the mayor said.

Former Village Manager Karen Verbryke was fired by council in February at the mayor's recommendation. Other staff members have been sharing her duties.

Mr. Wilczynski also confirmed ZincOx Resources Plc. is considering a site in the village for a plant to recycle ash waste. The company, based in the United Kingdom, is considering several sites.

He said the village will talk with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency about safety concerns.