Fish Sticks


1 pound fl ounder fi llets

1 cup milk

2 cups masa harina corn fl our or

fi nely ground cornmeal

2 teaspoons fi ne sea salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

Saffl ower or canola oil

Lemon slices

Tartar sauce, if desired

Cut fi llets into strips about 1 inch wide or 2 to 3 inches

long. Pour milk into a bowl. Add the fi sh strips. In a shallow

bowl, combine the corn fl our, salt, and pepper. Taste

a pinch of the fl our mixture to make sure it tastes just

a bit salty. Remove the fi sh strips from the milk, letting

the excess drip off. Toss fi sh strips into the fl our mixture

until well coated.

Pour oil into a large saucepan. The oil should not come

more than halfway up the side of the saucepan. Heat oil

to 335 degrees. Fry fi sh strips, a few at a time, until crisp

and golden brown, about 3 minutes. (Take care not to

put too many fi sh strips in the saucepan. Overcrowding

will greatly reduce the temperature of the oil. Also be

careful not to splash any of the hot oil on you.) Drain fi sh

on paper towels. Serve with lemon slices and dip into

tartar sauce if you like.

Yield: 4 servings

Source: Chef Bobo s Good Food Cookbook