Fulton County officials OK zoning shift


WAUSEON - A zoning change that will allow more development near the steel plants on Airport Highway between Delta and Wauseon was approved unanimously yesterday by the Fulton County commissioners.

Commissioners agreed to change zoning that has been agricultural to planned business-industrial park on 256 acres of farmland at the southeast corner of Airport Highway and County Road 11, just west of the Worthington Industries Inc. plant.

Petitioning for the change, which was controversial among York Township neighbors, were owners Amy Seibel, Bill Seibel, Janet Rettstatt, and Marcia Rohrs.

The Fulton County Rural Zoning Commission had approved the request by a 4-1 vote. Vicki Smith voted no.

The Fulton County Regional Planning Commission voted 13-1 to approve the request. Jim Stubbins voted no, and Jeff Simon and Scott Gillen abstained, saying they also are on the zoning commission and did not want to cast two votes on the measure.