Concord Grape Pie


4 cups Concord grapes (2 pounds)

1 cup sugar

Dash of salt

cup fl our

1 tablespoon lemon juice

2 tablespoons butter, melted

Pastry for two-crust 9-inch pie or pastry

for one-crust pie plus optional

crumb topping

Cook s note: A faster method of removing the seeds,

is to cut the grape in half and slip the seeds out with

the edge of a paring knife. Any pulp with seeds or juice

should still be cooked for 5 minutes before adding to the

grape halves and other ingredients.

To make pie: Slip skins from grapes and reserve. Put

pulp in a saucepan and cook over medium heat for 5

minutes. Press the pulp through a sieve (or food mill)

to remove seeds. Mix pulp with sugar, skins, salt, fl our,

lemon juice, and butter. Pour into pie crust and top with

crust or crumb topping. Bake 425 degrees for 10 minutes

and 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until pie bubbles.

Optional Crumb Topping

1 cup fl our

cup sugar

cup butter, softened

Combine and mix until crumbly.

Yield: 1 pie