County panels seek members


Lucas County is accepting applications for vacancies on two county committees - the Lucas County Citizens Levy Review Committee and the Community Corrections Planning Board.

The nine-member Citizens Levy Review Committee is charged with reviewing all levies and making recommendations to the county commissioners before levies are put on the ballot.

One of the vacancies is in the nonprofit category, expiring May 31, 2007, and the other is for an at-large member, expiring May 31, 2006.

The vacancy on the Community Corrections Planning Board is for a public representative, preferably someone from the substance abuse or mental health treatment community, as required by state statute, for a one-year term starting Jan. 1.

The board is responsible for the adoption and maintenance of a comprehensive plan for the development, implementation, and operation of corrections services in the county.

Those interested in the positions must fill out the "Application for Public Volunteer" form and submit a detailed resume.

Applications are available from the commissioners' office at Government Center, Suite 800, or by calling 419-213-4500. A printable version of the application also is available online at:

Applications will be accepted through the end of the business day Dec. 2.