Sylvania: Administration considers constructing water tower


There'll be something new looming over Sylvania next year.

The city's administration is looking for a place where it can construct a water tower - one that will hold 2.5 million gallons.

Officials have discussed the possibility for years and have decided that the project should go forward, said Jeff Ballmer, city service director. He expects the cost to be about $2.5 million.

The idea is that the city should try to have about one day's water supply on hand at any one time, he said.

Sylvania averages just less than 2.5 million gallons a day but can average as much as 3.8 million gallons on hot summer days when people are watering their lawns.

Peak water flow can run even higher on those days during the daylight hours, but then slows overnight to reach the 3.8 million gallon average for the day.

The city's system is sufficient for the population, Mr. Ballmer said, but water pressure can be reduced in some areas when the demand is high.There have been occasions when the city has had to impose restrictions on watering lawns because of the demand for water.

Currently the city has a 500,000-gallon ground tank at Brint and Holland-Sylvania roads and a 500,000-gallon tower in Burnham Park. Both tanks are regularly inspected and maintained, he said, and will remain in service.

A similar tower in Plummer Park is almost unnoticeable when leaves are on the trees and nearly unnoticed otherwise because it's been in place so long.

The combination will be enough for the aimed-for day's supply, Mr. Ballmer said, in case there is ever a problem with water supply from Toledo.

The search for a site will be limited only by city limits, he said, but there will be some consideration given to the aesthetics of its placement.

The new tower shouldn't be a visible intrusion and there will be consideration given to what design may be painted on it.