Port Clinton considers levy to aid fire services


PORT CLINTON City Council will consider placing a 1.9-mill property tax on the November ballot to increase funding primarily for the city s fire department when it meets this evening.

If voters approve the five-year tax, it would generate an additional $250,000 a year, Councilman Debbie Hymore-Tester said yesterday.

Port Clinton operates on a $1.5 million budget, which is financed by an income tax.

A 1.25 percent income tax was initiated in 1967 and increased to 1.5 percent in 1988.

Ms. Hymore-Tester said the city turned to a property tax request because of increasing demands on the budget.

She said the finance committee hopes the resolution is approved on its first reading, which would allow the city to take steps to have the Ottawa County Auditor s Office certify it in time for it to appear on the fall ballot.