Cedar Fair closing, inspecting tower rides after accident


SANDUSKY, Ohio Drop tower rides at five amusement parks owned by Cedar Fair Entertainment Co. will be closed and inspected after an accident on a similar ride at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom severed a teenage girl s feet above the ankle.

The ride at the park in Louisville lifts passengers 177 feet straight up and then drops them at speeds of 54 mph.

Cedar Fair spokeswoman Stacy Frole said the company spoke with the maker of the ride and then decided to inspect its similar rides as a precaution.

The five rides that will be shut down are at Kings Island near Cincinnati; Canada s Wonderland, in Toronto; Kings Dominion in Doswell, Va.; Carowinds, in Charlotte, N.C.; and Great America in Santa Clara, Calif.

Cedar Fair also operates Cedar Point in Sandusky along with five other amusement parks.

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