Garlic Pickles


2 to 3 pounds pickling cucumbers

5 cloves garlic, peeled

1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes

Small bunch of fresh dill

3 tablespoons noniodized sea salt

2 quarts distilled water

Cook s note:

This recipe needs large mouthed glass jar or ceramic crock; ceramic or glass plate that fits inside rim of jar or crock; jar filled with water or boiled rock that will fit inside jar or crock to use as a weight.

Wash and halve cucumbers. Place cucumbers, garlic cloves, dill, and red pepper in large jar or crock. More garlic, red pepper, or dill can be added if desired. Dissolve salt in 2 quarts distilled water.

Pour salted water over the cucumbers and place plate on top of cucumbers. Next place jar of water or rock on plate to weigh it down. Be sure cucumbers are fully submerged in the pickling liquid. If there is not enough liquid in the crock/jar to cover the cucumbers more salted water will need to be added. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt per cup of water and add to cucumbers. Cover your crock/jar with a clean dish towel to keep out dust and insects. Set the pickling cucumbers aside in the kitchen and allow to sit for 5 to 7 days. Check cucumbers periodically to make sure cucumbers and garlic are submerged. Any vegetables exposed to air will likely mold. Once cucumbers have fermented to your liking, transfer to a jar, cover and store in refrigerator. Pickles will last for several months if stored properly.

Yield: 1 gallon

Source: Kristen Palmer