Lucas County raises fees paid to arena architects


The Lucas County commissioners have voted to extend a letter of agreement with HNTB Ohio Architecture Inc. for architectural services related to the new multipurpose arena in downtown Toledo.

The extension calls for an increase in payment to HNTB to a total not to exceed $2,160,000.

County officials said a final contract with the architectural firm should be completed in two or three weeks.

The commissioners also approved a resolution to advertise for bids for the deep foundations/caissons package for the new arena, the third bid package offered for the project.

Contracts already awarded for the arena include demolition of the buildings previously standing on the construction site and for excavation.

In other business Tuesday:

•First Merit Corp. was approved as a public depository for active county funds for a period of about two years, beginning today.

•Odellas Wash Land was awarded a three-year contract with two one-year options to provide laundry services for the county jail, juvenile detention center, and work-release program for $200,000 a year.